AHCF Cost Reporting

The 2019 AHCF cost report filing deadline is November 2, 2020. With just under a month before the report is due, we wanted to review a few items of note:

  1. The software is currently available on the New York State Department of Health (DOH) website: https://commerce.health.state.ny.us/public/hcs_login.html.   To download the software, you must request an HCS account and access to the DTC Cost Report application.
  2. In addition to the report, each facility is required to submit the Administrator’s Certification Form, the Independent Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Certification, and a copy of the audited financial statements.  The additional documents must be submitted within five (5) business days after the report is completed and transmitted.

If you have questions regarding the completion of the cost report, please email them to dtcffsunity@health.ny.gov with “AHCF Questions and Facility Name and Opcert.#” in the subject line.