In an age when you can deposit checks with a click of your phone or transfer funds in seconds from account to account, why would organizations manage time-keeping via spreadsheets or printouts?
Track With JACK is an indispensable and easy-to-use tool to assess progress on federal and state grants, and to give staff an seamless way to track their time and effort.
The program provides complete time management, measures time spent on goals, focuses productivity, and keeps data up-to-date.
Use Track With JACK to capture core program hours, user notes, mileage, or any other attributes.
The program is versatile, allowing for even more layers of time tracking. For example, you can use hashtags to mark special projects for unique time entries.
Venesky & Company supports you every step of the way to set up parameters to match your department’s activities and manage the overall strategy.
Track With JACK then truly becomes your tool, set up by you — for you, not a generic punch-in and punch-out time tracker. With Track With JACK, you take control of your department.